Welcome To Gospel Mission Alliance Church

Who are We?

We are a part of the Christian Missionary Alliance, dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission. We are a community primarily composed of Chinese Christians residing in the vicinity of McKinney, Lucas, and surrounding cities in Texas.

(我们是基督教宣教士联盟的一部分,致力于履行大使命。我们是一个主要由华人基督徒组成的社区,居住在德克萨斯州McKinney, Lucas及其周边城市的邻近地区。)

We have a congregation that speaks Mandarin and English, and our relationship in Christ Jesus forever unites them. Our distinctive features are children and youth ministries, particularly the children’s choir and classical orchestra.





时间 Time:2:00 -3:30PM, Sunday



107 E Lamar St, McKinney, TX 75069 (Shared with RPAC)


107 E Lamar St, McKinney, TX 7506交响乐队和少儿合唱团
Mrs. Uko Adams



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